Federal Reserve Economic Data

FRED Economic Data | St. Louis Fed

Downloading Data from FRED

There are two convenient ways to download data in FRED.  One way is from a FRED graph.  This option allows you to download time-series data.  Click the “Download” button above any FRED graph, then select one of the available options.  “Excel” (.xls) and “CSV” (comma separated values [.csv]) will download the data values into a spreadsheet.

The remaining options export the visual display of the graph. Choose “Image” for a nice general purpose display (.png) of the graph, “PowerPoint” for a new PowerPoint presentation with the graph on a slide, or “PDF” for the graph in a new Adobe (.pdf) file.

Another way to download data is from a FRED map.  The advantage of downloading data from a FRED map is that you will download all cross-sectional data.  Click the “Download” button above any FRED map and select “CSV (data)” (comma separated values [.csv]).  This will download the data values into a spreadsheet.

The remaining option exports the visual display of the map. Choose “Image” for a nice general purpose display (.png) of the map.

Posted in How can I download data from FRED?

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