Embedded FRED graphs allow users to show interactive graphs on their websites with little or no programming knowledge. However, Google’s accelerated mobile pages (AMP) project does not support embedded iframes by default. AMP does support iframes, but it requires some … Continue reading →
For citation information, scroll below any FRED graph and view the Notes. View the “Suggested Citation” to see how you may cite the data series. The notes also include any relevant copyright information. For copyrighted data in FRED, you must get permission … Continue reading →
Options to share data appear right below your FRED graph. Clicking the icons allows you to easily share your graph on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, or LinkedIn. When you click on the “Share Links” button, you can obtain a unique URL … Continue reading →
To export data, click the “Download” button above any FRED graph and then select an export option. “Excel” (.xls) and “CSV” (comma separated values [.csv]) will download the data values into a spreadsheet. The remaining options export the visual display of the graph. … Continue reading →
One of the best features of our new FRED graphs is the ability to easily embed them in your own blog or website. The embedded graphs even retain the interactive tooltips and zoom capability! It takes just 3 easy steps. … Continue reading →
Why is this for me? because you want to … include FRED data on your website or blog show your love for FRED because it has … latest values for 6 of our most popular data series small inline charts … Continue reading →