Federal Reserve Economic Data

FRED Economic Data | St. Louis Fed

Format the Graph and Line Settings

To change graph and line settings, click the “Edit Graph” button above the graph.


In the pop-up box that appears, click the “FORMAT GRAPH” tab to display the changeable settings. Note that line settings pertain only to one series.


Graph settings include the following:

Graph type: Click the drop-down menu and select “Line,” “Area,” “Bar,” or “Scatter."

Recession bars: Click the drop-down menu and select “On” or “Off” to add or remove recession bars.

Log scale: Click the “Left” box to change the vertical axis to log scale.

Show: Uncheck/check “Title” or “Axis titles” to remove/add titles. Uncheck/check “Tooltip” to remove/add the hover-over box that appears when the cursor is in the plot area.

Color: Click the “Graph frame,” “Plot area,” or “Text” box to reveal a pop-up pallet of colors. Click the color you want to apply to the given option.


Line settings include the following:

Line style: Click the drop-down menu and choose “Solid,” “Dash,” “Dot,” or “Dash Dot.”

Width: Click the drop-down menu and choose from 1 to 5 to adjust the thickness of the line. Select zero if you would like to have no line and prefer mark-type plots (with shapes).

Mark type: Click the drop-down menu and choose “None,” “Circle,” “Square,” “Diamond,” “Triangle Up,” or “Triangle Down.”

Width: Click the drop-down menu and choose from 1 to 5 to adjust the thickness of the mark.

Y-Axis position: Click “Left” or “Right” to change the location of the Y-axis.

Move up and Move down: Click “Move up” or “Move down”  to adjust the order in which the lines appear on the top of the graph.


Posted in How can I customize a FRED graph?

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