Federal Reserve Economic Data

FRED Economic Data | St. Louis Fed

Add a Data Series to Graph

Above the graph, click the "EDIT GRAPH" button.


In the pop-up box that appears, click the “ADD LINE” tab. Click the text box and type keywords for the series you want to add.

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A list of the most popular suggestions will appear. Select the series you want to add.

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Click the “Add Data Series” button. The graph will update automatically with the new series.

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If the two series have different units or their magnitudes are drastically different, you will probably want to change the Y-axis position for one of the series, which defaults to the left for all series. To change an axis, select the “EDIT LINE” drop-down menu and select the line (series) you want to edit. Next, click “FORMAT” tab (to the right of the “ADD LINE” tab). By “Y-Axis position,” select “Right” to adjust the Y-axis position.

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After all of these steps are completed, you will have two data series plotted on the graph with a dual-axis graph.

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Posted in Frequently Asked Questions, How can I customize a FRED graph?

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