Federal Reserve Economic Data

FRED Economic Data | St. Louis Fed

Edit a Data Series: Frequency

Directly below is a video that explains why you would adjust the frequency. Below the video is explanation of “Modify frequency”drop-down menu. Above the graph, click the “EDIT GRAPH” button. In the pop-up box that appears, click the “EDIT LINE” tab. … Continue reading

Posted in How can I customize a FRED graph?

Format the Graph and Line Settings

To change graph and line settings, click the “Edit Graph” button above the graph. In the pop-up box that appears, click the “FORMAT GRAPH” tab to display the changeable settings. Note that line settings pertain only to one series. Graph … Continue reading

Posted in How can I customize a FRED graph?

Change the Time Range

There are four convenient options for changing the observation period shown in a graph. Option 1: Above the graph, click one of the range options: “1Y” (1 year), “5Y” (5 years), “10Y” (10 years), or “Max” (which is the maximum … Continue reading

Posted in How can I customize a FRED graph?

Use the Excel Add-in

If you are familiar with FRED series IDs, the FRED add-in is probably the quickest way to get data into Excel from FRED. The add-in is published in the Microsoft store. For more information on how the add-in works, see … Continue reading

Posted in How can I download data from FRED?

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